Key Players

Ennette Heaggans
Ministry Leader

Ennette is married to Raphael Heaggans with three children. When she became a born again believer, it was a very big deal. She just wanted everyone that she knew to be saved. She was privileged to attend a crusade in Nigeria who said to join him in the burden for righteousness in the church. Years later, the only thing she remembers in the program was this phrase “righteousness in the church”. As a young believer at the time and even after years of walking with God, she still had no idea what it was although it never left her. As the years passed by, the Lord began to take her back to the things He showed her as a young believer. As Ennette continued to seek the Lord, she began to understand what He was calling her to do. The church has drifted away from its original identity in Christ and the foundation laid by the Apostles in the book of Acts. Ennette’s desire is to see the restoration of the Glory of God in the church. Habakkuk 2:14.


Margaret N. Munene
Ministry Leader

Margaret was the administrator and pastor of Bethany House of Prayer in Kenya.  She had her primary, secondary, and college education in Kenya. Margaret is married to James M. Mbugua. Her passion is in teaching  prayer through the word of God.  The scripture verses that speak to her are Acts 2:42 “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer”; and Ezekiel 22:30 “I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one”.  She likes to teach, preach the word of God and lead night vigils. Praying, preaching and making disciples for Christ are her passion


Emeline Tatah
Financial Manager


Emeline Tatah is a single mother of two wonderful teenagers. Born in Cameroon, Africa into a loving family of Baptist Christians. She enjoys spending time with the Lord, fellowshipping with believers and has a passion for prayer. She serves as Chief Financial Officer for a cooperative in the Washington DC metropolitan area. She has extensive experience in the financial services industry. Emeline is a CPA, licensed in Maryland and Virginia. She serves in the Evangelism Ministry and the International Multicultural Ministry in her local church, The People’s Community Baptist Church. Her favorite scripture is Galatians 6:9 “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”

Pawla went to church and knew about the things of God from a young age but it was a life changing event in 2008 that caused her to take a deeper and intimate walk with her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. While pursuing a Master’s degree at Johns Hopkins University, she had an opportunities to work with children, youth and young adults from diverse backgrounds. She has a heart for grooming the youth and young adults through prayer and practical application of the Word of God. She believes that each child has an important voice that should be heard especially in a large crowd of adults. Pawla cautions that we should “never underestimate the prayer of a child, no matter how simple it may be.” She is therefore excited to fan into flames, the gifts that are already on the inside of young people.

Pawla Wenga
Youth Ministry Leader


Liz Ntantie is a researcher and college professor working on lung cancer research and devoted to the discovery of new and effective therapies in the cure of cancer. She is a science mentor to several college students and is passionate about empowering young adults especially of minority descent. Her passion to empower and encourage others is not limited to her career but transcends into her calling and ministry. Liz leads the singles’ ministry and encourages Christian singles to wait patiently and expectantly in prayers for godly spouses. Her personal journey to meeting and to being found by a godly man is not only a testimony of God’s goodness and faithfulness but an assurance that God NEVER disappoints those who put their trust in Him. At His appointed time, God sure makes all things beautiful for our good and for His glory.

Liz Nantie
Singles Ministry Coordinator


Akosua is a born again believer of Jesus Christ. The Lord saved her at age 11 in an an Assembly of God Church in Ghana and filled her with His Holy Spirit with the evidence in tongues by age 12. The Lord anointed her to minister for Him through worship and praise. Her desire is to be in His presence and to lead the saints of God into His Holy of Hollies.  She was introduced by her mum to Scripture Union, a non denominational Christian bible study group where she was thought the word of God from her high school days to college level. She loves to study the word of God to show herself approved. She fellowshipped with Light House Chapel International from 2002 to 2012. She joined NewLife Church Leominster MA in 2013 and serves currently as part of the worship team.  She is excited to see where God is leading her in His calling for her life.

Akosua Amponsah
Worship Leader


Pastor Philip Ansah
Representative for Ghana


Philip Ansah Mesrenyame is an African evangelist and faith preacher called into full time ministry at age 20 but did not answer the call upon his life until 2009 after he lost everything under very strange and dramatic circumstances. He is a trained draftsman by profession. He believes in an end time restoration of spiritual gifts and apostolic office. He holds a number of evangelistic and healing meetings across the towns and villages in Ghana and some parts of Africa. He is the founder of The Tabernacle Of Praise For All Nations, the president of MESRENYAME OUTREACH MINISTRIES and the president of NATIONAL PRAYER AMBASSADORS ASSOCIATION (NPAA).