2021 Prayer Retreat



Please click on the links for each session to watch the video on YouTube. Remember to Like, Share, and Subscribe to our Channel: HOZ - YouTube

Day1: Keys to Effective Intercession - Apostle Ennette

Day2: Morning - Engaging with God at the Inner Courts - Apostle Ennette

Day2: Evening - Intercessors and the Call to Nations - Evan Pat Cooke

Day 3: Morning - Evangelism and the Intercessor - Pastor Edward

Day 3: Evening - 2 powerful messages

- You(th) Got the Keys! - Minister Pawla Wenga

 - Keys to Mental Wellness - Pastor Dr. Ethel Biba

Day 4 : Encouragement for the Intercessors - Prophetess Margaret Munene

Thursday, July 22nd to Sunday, July 25, 2021

We are  very excited to announce that the  2021 retreat flyer is out. What this mean is that we have to take our prayers to another level as we prepare for the glorious weekend. 

Luke 6:38 “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

Give yourself relentlessly to pray for this program and watch God pour back into your own life. 

  1. Request your time off from work, register, encourage others to do same, post flyers on all your groups and social media.

  2. Who is invited? Everyone. Invite your church, your prayer group especially your intercessory prayer group.

  3. Write down your prayer points as well as the names of 12 ministers of the Gospel and pray along.

  4. 21 days fasting/ prayers begins 07/01/21 to 7/21/21. Pray with your prayer partner and join prayer line on Mondays, Fridays, and Saturdays for cooperate prayer.

  5. From 7/15/21 to 7/21/21, we will meet daily at 9 pm on the prayer line.

  6. A prayer guide will be posted before fasting begins. For now keep on praying as the Holy Spirit leads you.

Prayer line information @ 9 pm- Monday, Friday and Saturday 

Dial-in using your phone:

United States: +1 717-275-8940 

United States: +1 712-832-8330 

Access code: 9475411#

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Regularly Occurring:

Prayerline (General)
Mondays & Fridays, Saturdays from 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

Singles Prayerline
Saturdays from 9:00 am to 10:00 am.

Youth Zoom Meetings
Every other Saturday from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm.

Yearly Prayer Day for the Church
Date TBD

Yearly Prayer Retreat
July of every year.

House Of Zion monthly prayer/fasting

First Friday of every month

Corporate prayers held at 9:00 pm EST

Prayer Line: +1 717-275-8940 Access Code: 9475411#

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